Friday, June 14, 2013

Why Is My Air Conditioner Frozen?

Why Is My Air Conditioner Frozen?
Frozen unit at one of our customer's rooftop unit (taken 6/12/2013)

Here is an all too common problem we face in the heating and air conditioning industry; a customer will call our office with a service call. When we get out there we see an all too common problem. Their air conditioner has frozen up. Perhaps this has happened to you before, as well.

After telling the customer what the problem is, 9 times out of 10, the customer asks: “What caused my central air conditioning to freeze up?” 

There are three main reasons why it could be freezing up:

1) Lack of airflow
If there is a lack of airflow to your central air conditioning unit, you run the risk of severely damaging your entire system. When there is a lack of air flow, warm air moves through the return ducts. The air passes over an extremely cold refridgerant coil to "drop off" its heat. When air comes in contact with this coil, the moisture in the air condenses. Normally, the water will exit through the system's drain line, but if air flow is constricted, the water can not move down the drain line. With no place to go, the water will freeze to the evaporator coil. The simplest way to fix this problem, is to turn off the unit for 24 hours and check your filters. If they are dirty, clean or even better yet, replace them. When you turn your air conditioner back on, and there is no more ice forming, then you have solved your problem.

2) Refrigerant leaks
Air conditioners have to have a particularly balance level of refrigerant to keep the system running smoothly and efficiently. When your air conditioner has low levels of refrigerant, that usually means there is a refrigerant leak. Once the levels of refrigerant in the coil are too low, the air conditioning unit will not be able to absorb heat going through the system and your air conditioning unit will freeze. In this situation, it is better for you to contact your heating and cooling company for a technician to take a look and address the problem.

3) Outdoor temperature
Your air conditioner is only supposed to be operated when the outdoor temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If you run your air conditioner when the temperature is less than 65, you will be pushing the fluids in your air conditioner through when they are at their thickest. This can cause damage to your unit besides the freezing problem.

There are some troubleshooting tips you can do. First thing you should do is turn off the unit. Let the air conditioner defrost, a 24 hour period should be enough time, but if it is not and you can, give your air conditioner another 24 hour defrosting period.

Next you should check your filters. If they are dirty, first step is to replace them. Give your unit the 24 hour defrost time before trying to turn it back on. If you do not see any ice, then turn it back on and keep an eye on it. If ice reforms, it is time to call a service technician (our number is (616) 205-5522)

If after the 24 hour defrost period, and changing the filter does not work, you need a professional to help repair your unit, you might even consider replacing the system. DSB Comfort Zone offers a full inspection of your system, as well as providing you with everything you need to replace your air conditioner. We check everything from your refrigerant levels, filters and even your duct work. In this blog we discussed the the three most common problems, however, some units might have more technical issues that only trained professionals would be able to notice and discuss with you.

DSB Comfort Zone
Comfort In Any Season
201. E. Division St.
Suite A
Sparta, MI 49345
Phone: (616) 205-5522
Twitter: @DSBComfortZone

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Benefits of Air Conditioning and Your Health

One of the biggest things we all worry about is our health. After all we are only in this life once right? Quality of life is a huge concern. With all the news stories of what is healthy and what isn’t, consumers are spending money to ensure their days are filled with happy memories and feeling as good as possible.

Have you tried any of the suggestions out there? Eating organic? Exercising? Taking vitamins? Buying non chemical products?

In our last blog, we briefly touched on the health benefits of having central air conditioning, in this one, we will take a look at those topics in more detail.

1. Excessive heat can be dangerous.

Being overheated can and does cause some serious health issues and conditions. If, ignored, excessive heat can be fatal if your body cannot cool down. You can suffer from minor things such as heat rash, to more major things such as heat exhaustion and even, heat stroke. Know the warning signs.

Heat exhaustion: If you feel light headed, dizzy or easily confused, that is a possible warning sign that you might be experiencing heat exhaustion. When you sweat, you lose your body’s salt and water from and when you replace them improperly, that can expedite your heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is more likely to occur after a duration of heat, or “heat wave”, versus a long day of heat and humidity. It is recommended that you slowly increase your water, and seek comfort in air conditioning as soon as possible.

Heat stroke: Heat stroke is when your body can no longer cool itself down. When your body temperature rises over 105 degrees, your symptoms may be lethargy, confusion and unconsciousness. Your speech might become slurred, and you may also have dry and hot skin without sweating. Your body may go into shock, which can damage your major organs. Heat stroke is dangerous, as it may lead to death, if you do not address the warning signs.

Elderly folks and young children are more susceptible to being victim to heat stroke, but that is not to say a middle aged person will not suffer a heat stroke if protection from the heat is not sought. Air conditioning can help regulate your body temperature in conjunction with drinking plenty of water.  

2. Air Conditioning can help clean your air

During the spring months, we are all so excited to finally be able to open our windows and air out our homes. For folks with seasonal allergies spring is not always a blessing. Simply put, what is outside blows into our homes with the breeze; things like dust, pollen, animal dander and mold when humidity is excessive outside. Itchy eyes, congestion, and stuffed up noses cause havoc on allergy sufferers.

When the air is heavy with humidity, older folks with COPD struggle with their breathing as well. Those folks also might be suffering from the same symptoms as folks with seasonal allergies. Air conditioning helps keep air irritants outside, but also filters them out of your air when your unit is working properly and efficiently.

3. Having Air Conditioning Can Reduce Your Stress

On top of every day stresses, like; mortgage payments, kids schedules, bills..., the summer’s heat can cause you to become even more stressed. Think about it. This is Michigan, we don't just have heat to contend with, we also have humidity. How is your mood when the weather is 90 degrees with full humidity? If you are anything like the majority of people, you can become cranky, irritable, and even frustrated. Then imagine that feeling of walking into a store or restaurant with central air conditioning. That “AHH” feeling can and does feel like a slice of heaven.

Installing central air conditioning to your home can keep you comfortable after a long day at work.How can you unwind and rest for the next day, if you are uncomfortable sweating, and being hot in general? Instead of “not feeling like cooking” because of the heat, you can cook evening meals instead of spending extra money on ordering out. And how about your sleep? Your sleep will be more restful because your body isn’t under unnecessary stress trying to regulate its internal temperature. By eliminating the un-comforts of heat and humidity, you can de-stress at home. As we all know, stress can wreak havoc on your body.

If you are considering on installing central air conditioning into your home, we hope you find our blog to be informative as to the benefits on your home, and your health. We, here at DSB Comfort Zone, strive to improve the quality of our customers lives by providing proper home comfort solutions that is right for each customer. Our company owner has over 20 years experience in the industry, to say he is knowledgeable is an understatement. We are confident we will be able to find a solution to keep you in your Comfort Zone, so you have comfort in any season. Give us a call and we can get started.

Thanks for reading!

DSB Comfort Zone
Comfort In Any Season
201. E. Division St.
Suite A
Sparta, MI 49345
Phone: (616) 205-5522
Twitter: @DSBComfortZone

Friday, June 7, 2013

Why Central Air Conditioning Maintenance Is Important

We often wait all year long for summer's blessings; hot temperatures, long lazy days on a boat, gatherings with friends and family, just to name a few. After winter's harshness, it is a much welcomed season in West Michigan.

One of the things residents of West Michigan have come to appreciate, is the feeling of after being outside during the summer months, coming indoors to enjoy the comforts of central air conditioning. Have you ever been in a situation where the central air conditioning was not working properly? The stresses of getting your equipment back in proper working order can be a stressful ordeal.

Having your air conditioner serviced once a year saves you time.

Time is a valuable thing. Would you rather be spending time with your family or finding a heating and cooling company that is available to fix your air conditioning? Most customers agree, family time is a better way to spend your time then keeping track of  heating and cooling companies, appointments, who you have talked to and even waiting for your technician to come and fix your air conditioner.

Air conditioner maintenance is better for your health!

Your air conditioner does not just keep your home comfortable while outside temperatures climb. It removes humidity and can help keep dust, pollen and bacteria out of your air. Customers with allergies or breathing concerns can relate, your air quality is just as important as your temperature comfort. You want the best for your family, why not start with giving them the best air they can breathe?

More money in your pocket.

You work hard for your money, so you would like to keep as much of it as possible in your pocket, right? Spending money to have your air conditioner serviced will save you money in the long run. The cost for servicing your air conditioner once a year is a fraction of what it would cost you to repair or even replace your air conditioning system. A properly serviced air conditioner uses much less energy than a neglected system, therefore helping with your electric bills.

Air conditioning maintenance is something that does not cost a lot of money or time, and is a simple appointment. It should be done once a year to make sure you have a fully charged and operational system. Give yourself piece of mind that one less thing will go wrong, by scheduling your appointment BEFORE you run your system and run into problems.

Enjoy your summer!

DSB Comfort Zone
Comfort In Any Season
201. E. Division St.
Suite A
Sparta, MI 49345
Phone: (616) 205-5522
Facebook: Comfort Zone Heating and Cooling
Twitter: @DSBComfortZone