Thursday, November 21, 2013

Common Furnace Problems: Not Enough Heat

Our last blog, we covered some troubleshooting tips for when your furnace is not producing heat for your home. In this blog, we will give you common problems for when your furnace is not producing enough heat, and some troubleshooting tips you can use.

Have you ever had to hold your hand over the heating vent to see if there was any heat coming out, only to find not enough heat is coming out? Before you call a technician out, let us tell you what might be happening and what you can do at home to fix it yourself.

The possible causes of "not enough heat":

  • A dirty furnace filter will block your heat from reaching your registers.
  • Your gas burners may be dirty or need an adjustment.
  • The air flow in your duct system might be blocked.
So what can you do besides calling a technician to your home at 10 PM? 

First, check your furnace filters. This should be one of the first steps you take when doing any trouble shooting with your heating and cooling system. It is a quick and easy fix and is often overlooked.

If the air flow to the furnace is blocked, remove the blockage, but ONLY if you can safely do so. Any blocked register or grille will greatly constrict your heat from coming through the registers.

Lastly, if your gas burners are dirty or are in need of an adjustment, that is something that needs to be handled by a professional, and we do NOT recommend you try to clean or adjust them your self. You might do more damage to injure your system, or even injure yourself.

These are, again, more common problems when dealing with not enough heat. It is a starting point, but if the things you can troubleshoot do not work, you do need a professional technician to assist you.

Our next blog will cover what might be wrong when your furnace kicks on and off frequently. We will also include troubleshooting for this topic as well. Thanks for reading!!

Stay warm!

DSB Comfort Zone
Heating, Cooling and Ventilation
201 E. Division St.
Suite A
Sparta, MI 49345
P: (616) 205-5522
F: (616) 205-5533

Friday, November 8, 2013

Common Furnace Problems: No Heat

Here in Sparta, Michigan, we are noticing the temperatures are taking a nose dive! Temperatures have been in the low to mid thirties lately, sometimes with the occasional wind gust that will chill you straight to your bone.

Yes, the cold weather is making it's return upon us. It is time for sweaters, chili, thick comforters, hot coco, and thermal underwear. The best feeling though, is when you come inside and feel the heat warming you up. Have you ever come home to the heat not working?

If you have, then the question arises, "Why isn't the heat working?"

In this blog series, we will take a look at the more common problems of why your furnace is not working. We can even show you some tips that might fix your problem, saving you money from a service call.

The most common problem, of course, is no heat.

Your possible causes might be the following:

  • Dirty furnace filter
  • Thermostat set at a temperature that is too low
  • Your thermostat is not working
  • A circuit breaker or a fuse might be blown or tripped
  • Your natural gas or propane valve might be closed
  • The pilot light might not be lit (only if you have a non-electronic ignition)

So what can you do at home yourself that would troubleshoot these problems?

First, check your furnace filters. A dirty furnace filter will stop the heat from coming into your home. It is the simplest and cheapest fix there is!

Next you can check if your thermostat setting is set to "heat", there should be a flame symbol if you have an electronic thermostat. If you have an older thermostat make sure the switch is set to "heat". Once the setting is set to "heat" set your temperature at an appropriate setting.

You can further do some testing by adjusting the temperature up or down a few degrees to see if your furnace kicks on.

If you have a tripped circuit breaker, or a blown fuse, simply reset your circuit breaker or replace the blown fuse.

Should the pilot light not be lit, simply relight the flame.

If these simple steps do not fix your problem, then it is time to call your service technician out to your home to help you, as the problem might require an expert to fix. When the technician gets to your home, you can tell him about the troubleshooting you have already done.

In our next blog we will cover what could be wrong when there is not enough heat coming from the furnace, as well as some troubleshooting tips.

Stay warm!!

DSB Comfort Zone
Heating, Cooling and Ventilation
201 E. Division St.
Suite A
Sparta, MI 49345
P: (616) 205-5522
F: (616) 205-5533